I review these products during tasks I personally carry out within my garden on a regular basis. Using the right product or tool for the job makes the difference of doing it the easy way or the hard way, so I really value a product which can make my life easier.

I am hoping that garden related companies will send me ‘products’ to test and evaluate. However I must stress that I will not be anything but fair and make no promises to these companies other than to tell the truth. Many of the products here are what I have already purchased for my own gardening use and are happy with.
You may ask, what are your qualifications? Well Judy and I opened our garden through the ‘Australia's Open Gardens’ for
10 years. We now open to support a specific charity.
We had our 18th Open Garden in 2019.
We won Gardening Australia’s 2009 ‘Golden Trowel’, have appeared on the ‘Garden Guru’s and ‘Gardening Australia’ twice and on various other television shows. We have given over 200 presentations to garden clubs on Sub tropical gardening and open our garden for bus tours. What is more important is that we have learnt from our gardening mistakes.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

New Gardena Hose Fittings

If you are familiar with this site then you will be aware that not only do I post positive reviews I also post in the negative.
With Gardena products I must admit I cannot say anything bad, they are well made, easy to use and last much longer than any other brand.
They have now brought out a new range of hose fittings which are very easy to use and of course very good quality.
Here are a few photos.
They are a bit more expensive than most other fittings but will last much longer so you should save in the long run.

Selecta Sprayer

This is not a good review.
Selecta sprayers have a very good reputation or at least used to
This is the second one of these sprayers as pictured that I have purchased from Bunnings.
The first one leaked through one of the seams as they are plastic welded.
The replacement has only lasted one tank of spray before leaking, only this time it was not on the join but in the main body.
I am taking this back to Bunnings to get a refund, twice returned means there is something terribly wrong with the manufacturing process.

As you can see the liquid is spraying out of the sprayer body.
I suppose that's what you get when you contract out to a Chinese company and are not too worried about your company's reputation.
I personally believe a company's reputation is everything, surely they want return customers.