I am often asked what sort of much I recommend.
I only use sugar cane in bales, I find that this coarse mulch does not compact and allows rain and fertilizer to flow through and reach the soil, whereas other fine mulches will compact and any rain will drain off.
The other benefits of sugar cane are:
It is virtually weed free;
Good for controlling weeds;
Easy water penetration and moisture retention;
Reduces the need for watering;
Promotes earthworms;
We apply sugar cane twice a year using around 160 bales every year (we have a big garden).
We apply it to a depth of 3 “or 75 mm and ensure the soil is moist prior to spreading.
Remember that by mulching your garden you are INSULATING your soil, so the most important time to mulch is prior to winter.
Now where do you get it and how much?
We get ours delivered (10 bales or more is free delivery) at $5.50 a bale by Andrew Currant from Norwell. His contact details are farm (07)55462303 and mobile 0414458175.
My garden blog is found at http://ianjudy.blogspot.com/
My garden blog is found at http://ianjudy.blogspot.com/